PD Dr. Jeanette C. Fincke

Anschrift c/o Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO)

Universiteit Leiden

P.O.Box 9515

2300 RA Leiden

e-mail: jeanette.fincke§ori.uni-heidelberg.de

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

- Studium der Altorientalistik, Hethitologie und Ägyptologie an der Universität Hamburg.
3/1989 Magister. Titel der Magisterarbeit: Die Adoption von Frauen nach den Urkunden aus Nuzi.
- Fortsetzung des Studiums an der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg.
SS 1992 Gastsemester an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.
4/1993 - 4/1999 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an dem Institut für Orientalische Philologie der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg.
3/1999 Promotion. Titel der Dissertation: Augenleiden nach keilschriftlichen Quellen. Untersuchungen zur altorientalischen Medizin.
9/1999 - 8/2002 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der von Prof. S. M. Maul geleiteten 'Heidelberger "Assur-Forschung" im Rahmen des Leibniz-Förderprogramms' im Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients - Assyriologie der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.
10/3/2003 - 9/9/2003 Curator am British Museum, London, im Rahmen des von der Townley Group geförderten 'Ashurbanipal Library Project'.
10/2003 - 9/2005 Wissenschaftliche Angestellte an der Universität Heidelberg als Stipendiatin des Margarete von Wrangell-Habilitationsprogramms.
10/2005 - 12/2005 Townley Fellow für das 'Ashurbanipal Library Project' am British Museum, London.
1/2006 Habilitation und Ernennung zur Privatdozentin für das Fach Assyriologie an der Universität Heidelberg.
4/2006 - 6/2006 Townley Fellow für das 'Ashurbanipal Library Project' am British Museum, London.
8/2006 - 3/2010 Mitarbeiterin an dem von Prof. W. H. van Soldt geleiteten Projekt "Transfer of Knowledge in a Cuneiform Culture" an der Universität Leiden, Niederlande, TCMO - Assyriologie.
5/2010 - 7/2012 Mitarbeiterin an dem von Dr. Jan Gerrit Dercksen geleiteten Projekt "The Impact of Migration. Migrant-Related Changes in the Ancient Near East" an der Universität Leiden, Niederlande, LIAS - TCMO - Assyriologie.
8/2012 - 12/2012 Visiting Research Fellow des Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO), Leiden.
1/2013 - 12/2014 Stipendiatin der Gerda Henkel Stiftung im Rahmen des M4HUMAN Programms, das von der European Commission kofinanziert wird, an der School for Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
2015 - 2016 Visiting Researcher am Projekt "The Great Star List" im Institute of Archaeology der Hebrew University of Jerusalem und der Israel Science Foundation.
8/2015 - 9/2015 Aufenthalt am British Museum, London, "on mission" für das von Dr. Robert Hawley geleitete ERC Projekt Floriental (CNRS, Paris).
10/2015 - 8/2017 Chercheur am Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris, im Rahmen des von Dr. Robert Hawley geleitete ERC Projekts Floriental.
2017 - 2018 Visiting Research Fellow des Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO), Leiden.
5/2018 - 6/2019 Postodoctoral Fellow der Universität Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO), Leiden; Böhl Collection, Katalogisierungs Projekt.
11/2023 - 12/2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, fellow des ERC projects ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of History and Cultural Studies, Institute for the History of Knowledge in the Ancient World.




1.1. Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der Nuzi-Texte; Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients: Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften; Nr. 7: Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes 10, Dr. Ludwig Reichert, Wiesbaden 1993. [Rezension von C. Zaccagnini, AfO 46/47 (1999/2000) 350-351].
1.2. Augenleiden nach keilschriftlichen Quellen. Untersuchungen zur altorientalischen Medizin, Würzburger Medizinhistorische Forschungen Band 70, Würzburg 2000.
1.3. S. Altavilla, C. B. F. Walker, in collaboration with J. C. Fincke, Late Babylonian Seal Impressions on Tablets in the British Museum Part 2: Babylon and its vicinity, NISABA 28. Di.Sc.A.M., Messina 2016.
1.4. E. Leichty, I. L. Finkel and C. B. F. Walker with contributions by T. G. Pinches, A. J. Sachs, D. J. Wiseman, W. G. Lambert, M. Jursa, J. C. Fincke and J. J. Taylor, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum IV-V, dubsar 10, Zaphon, Münster 2019.
1.5. An Ancient Mesopotamian Herbal Handbook - The Series URU.AN.NA and MUD-UR.MAH Volume 1: The Tablets, Orient & Méditerranée 33. Peeters, Leuven 2021.
1.6. From Celestial Omens to the Beginnings of Modern Astrology in Ancient Mesopotamia. New Evidence for the Development of Modern Astrology in Cuneiform Texts Based on the Study of Three Technical terms (DUR = t.urru, GU and DUR) for the Description of Celestial Phenomena and Stellar Positions. The Babylonian Sky 1. ISLET, Dresden 2024.

(Manuskript abgeschlossen)

1.7. Die Omenserie iqqur īpuš (Habilitationsschrift) (in Vorbereitung zur Publikation).
1.8. The Impact of Migration: The Neo-Assyrian Period (provisional title; part of the project The Impact of Migration. Migrant-Related Change in the Ancient Near East, Leiden).

(in Vorbereitung)

1.9. Solar Eclipses in their Ancient Near Eastern Perception.
1.10. Together with Wayne Horowitz: The Great Starlist and Related Texts: Astronomy, Mysticism, and Learned Knowledge in the Ancient Near East.


2.1. Festschrift für Gernot Wilhelm anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 28. Januar 2010, Dresden: ISLET-Verlag, 2010.
2.2. Divination in the Ancient Near East. A Workshop on Divination Conducted during the 54th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Würzburg, 20-25 July 2008, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014.
2.3. Divination as Science. A Workshop Conducted during the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Warsaw, 2014, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2016.
2.4. The Babylonian Sky, Dresden: ISLET.
This new series of ISLET, edited by Jeanette C. Fincke, explores cuneiform texts relating to the sky. According to the Mesopotamian understanding, this includes all celestial bodies as well as weather phenomena, but also all terms used in connection with their description. The textual sources in question span more than three millennia, with the bulk of them dating to the second and first millennium BCE.
In this series, the text sources are prepared in such a way that not only Assyriologists, but also historians of astronomy and astrology can benefit from them.


3.1. Hurritisch alambashe, Welt des Orients 24 (1993) 42-49.
3.2. Noch einmal zum mittelassyrischen siluhli, Altorientalische Forschungen 21 (1994) 339-351.
3.3 Beiträge zum Lexikon des Hurritischen von Nuzi, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (SCCNH) 7 (1995) 5-21.
3.4. Einige Joins von Nuzi-Texten des British Museum, SCCNH 7 (1995) 23-36.
3.5. Weitere Joins von Nuzi-Texten, SCCNH 8 (1996) 273-280.
3.6. Excavations at Nuzi 10/1, 1-65, SCCNH 8 (1996) 273-280.
3.7. Beiträge zum Lexikon des Hurritischen von Nuzi, Teil 2, SCCNH 9 (1998) 41-48. 
3.8. More Joins Among the Texts from Arrapha (Kirkuk), SCCNH 9 (1998) 49-62.
3.9. Nuzi Fragments from the Estate of R. F. S. Starr, SCCNH 9 (1998) 63-70.
3.10. Excavations at Nuzi 10/2, 66-174, SCCNH 9 (1998) 219-373.
3.11. Appendix to EN 10/2, SCCNH 9 (1998) 375-384.
3.12. The Nuzi Collection of the Harvard Semitic Museum, SCCNH 10 (1999) 13-24.
3.13. More Joins from the Collection of the British Museum Arraphe Texts, SCCNH 10 (1999) 307-311.
3.14. Transport of Agricultural Produce in Arraphe, in: R. M. Jas (ed.), Rainfall and Agriculture in Northern Mesopotamia, Proceedings of the Third MOS Symposium (Leiden 1999), PIHANS LXXXVIII, Leiden 2000, 147-170.
3.15. Der Assur-Katalog der Serie enūma anu enlil (EAE), Orientalia Nova Series (OrNS) 70 (2001) 19-39.
3.16. Excavations at Nuzi 10/3, 175-300, SCCNH 12 (2002) 169-304.
3.17. Appendix to EN 10/3, SCCNH 12 (2002) 305-320.
3.18. The British Museum's Ashurbanipal Library Project, Iraq 66, 2004 (erschienen 2005) 55-60. 
3.19. The Babylonian Texts of Nineveh. Report on the British Museum's Ashurbanipal Library Project, Archiv für Orientforschung (AfO) 50 (2003/2004) 111-149.
3.20. Zu den hethitischen Übersetzungen babylonischer Omentexte: Die kalendarischen und astrologischen Omina in KUB VIII 35, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici (SMEA) 46.2 (2004, ersch. 2005) 215-241.
3.21. Omina, die göttlichen "Gesetze" der Divination, Jaarbericht van het vooraziatisch-egyptisch genootschap Ex Oriente Lux (JEOL) 40 (2006-7) 131-147.
3.22. Astrologie in Mesopotamië en het Hettitische Rijk, Phoenix 53 (2007) 56-69.
3.23. Drei bislang unerkannt gebliebene Nuzi-Fragmente des British Museum, SCCNH 18 (2009) 229-248.
3.24. Cuneiform Tablets on Eye Diseases: Babylonian Sources in Relation to the Series DIS NA IGI.II- GIG, in: A. Attia und G. Buisson (Hg.), Advances in Mesopotamian Medicine from Hammurabu to Hipprocrates, Cuneiform Monographs 37, Leiden 2009, 79-104.
3.25. Zu den akkadischen Hemerologien aus Hattusa, Teil I: Eine Hemerologie für das "Rufen von Klagen" (šigû šasû) und das "Reinigen seines Gewandes" (şubat-su ubbubu) KUB 4, 46 (+) KUB 43,1 (CTH 546.5 (+) CTH 560.I [1]), Journal of Cuneiform Studies 61 (2009) 111-125.
3.26. Zum Verkauf von Grundbesitz in Nuzi, in: J. C. Fincke (Hg.), Festschrift für Gernot Wilhelm anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 28. Januar 2010, Dresden 2010, 125-141.
3.27. Ist die mesopotamische Opferschau ein nächtliches Ritual?, Bibliotheca Orientalis 66.5-6 (2009, erschienen 2010) 519-558.
3.28. Zu den akkadischen Hemerologien aus Hattusa, Teil II: Die "Opferbrot-Hemerologie", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 62 (2010) 127-145.
3.29. Astrologische Omenreporte aus Assur: Mondfinsternisse im Monat nisannu, in: S. M. Maul und N. P. Heeßel (Hg.), Assur-Forschungen. Arbeiten aus der Forschungsstelle »Edition literarischer Keilschrifttexte aus Assur« der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, 35-63.
3.30. Spezialisierung und Differenzierung im Bereich der altorientalischen Medizin : Die Dermatologie am Beispiel der Symptome simmū matqūtu, kalmātu (matuqtu), kibšu, kişşatu und gurištu, in: G. J. Selz und K. Wagensommer (Hg.), The Empirical Dimensions of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Die empirische Dimension altorientalischer Forschungen, Wiener Offene Orientalistik 6, Wien • Münster 2011, 159-208.
3.31. Neue Erkenntnisse zur 21. Tafel der diagnostischen Omenserie SA.GIG und zur Überlieferung diagnostischer Omentexte in Hattuša, Bibliotheca Orientalis (BiOr) 58.5-6 (2011, ersch. 2012) 472-476.
3.32. Adoption of Women in Nuzi, in: P. Abrahami und B. Lion (Hg.), The Nuzi Workshop at the 55th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (July 2009, Paris), Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (SCCNH) 19 (2012) 199-140.
3.33. The School Curricula from Hattuša, Emar and Ugarit: A Comparison, in: W. S. van Egmond und W. H. van Soldt (Hgg.), Theory and Practice of Knowledge Transfer. Studies in School Education in the Ancient Near East and Beyond, Papers read at a Symposium in Leiden, 17-19 December 2008, PIHANS 121, Leiden 2012, 85-101.
3.34. Šaggāšu ('Murderer'), the Demon from the Steppe, Bibliotheca Orientalis 70.1-2 (2013) 17-24.
3.35. A Hurro-Akkadian Expression for Changing One's Testimony Attested in Nuzi Trial Records, in: L. Feliu, J. Llop, A. Millet Albà and J. Sanmartín (Hgg.), Time and History in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 56th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Barcelona 26-30 July 2010. Winona Lake, IN, 2013, 471-479.
3.36. (zusammen mit Bert Kouwenberg) A "New" Old Assyrian Incantation, Jaarbericht van het vooraziatisch-egyptisch genootschap Ex Oriente Lux (JEOL) 44 (2012-2013) 141-146.
3.37. "If a star changes into ashes..." A sequence of unusual celestial omens, Iraq 75 (2013) 171-196.
3.38. The Solar Eclipse Omen Texts from enūma anu enlil, Bibliotheca Orientalis 70.5-6 (2013, ersch. 2014) 582-608.
3.39. Additions to the Venus Omens of the Omen Series enūma anu enlil (EAE) published in BPO 3 as Group F, KASKAL 10 (2013) 89-110.
3.40. Divination im Alten Orient: Ein Überblick, in: J. C. Fincke (Hg.), Divination in the Ancient Near East, Winona Lake, IN, 2014, 1-20.
3.41. Babylonische Gelehrte am neuassyrischen Hof: zwischen Anpassung und Individualität, in: H. Neumann et al., Krieg und Frieden im Alten Vorderasien. 52e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale - International Congress of Assyriology and Near Eastern Archaeology, Münster, 17.-21. Juli 2006, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 401, Münster 2014, 260-292.
3.42. The Seventh Tablet of the rikis gerri Series of enūma anu enlil, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 66 (2014) 129-148.
3.43. Three Nuzi Texts from the British Museum and a Middle Assyrian Letter from the Aftermath of the Conquest of the Kingdom of Arraphe, Altorientalische Forschungen 41.1 (2014) 15-29.
3.44. The Tradition of Professions within Families at Nuzi, in: A. Archi and A. Bramanti (Hgg.), Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East. Prodeedings of the 57th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Rome 4-8 July 2011, Winona Lake, IN, 2015, 555-566.
3.45. Additions to already Edited enūma anu enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part II: Tablets Concerning the Appearance of the Sun Published in PIHANS 73, Part I, KASKAL 11 (2014) 103-139.
3.46. Additions to already Edited enūma anu enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part III: A New Copy from Babylonia for the Tablet on Planets (MUL.UDU.IDIM) of the Omen Series, KASKAL 12 (2015) 267-279.
3.47. The Oldest Mesopotamian Astronomical Treatise: enūma anu enlil (EAE), in: J. C. Fincke (Hg.), Divination as Science, Winona Lake, IN, 2016, 107-146.
3.48. (zusammen mit Mathieu Ossendrijver) BM 46550 - a Late Babylonian Mathematical Tablet with Computations of Reciprocal Numbers, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 106 (2016) 185-197.
3.49. (zusammen mit Jaume Llop-Raduà) Two Middle Assyrian Delivery Notes from the British Museum's Tablet Collection, in: Y. Heffron, A. Stone and M. Worthington, At the Dawn of History. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate. Winona Lake, IN, 2017, 313-319.
3.50. Additions to already Edited enūma anu enlil (EAE) Tablets, Part IV: The Lunar Eclipse Omens from Tablets 15-19 Published by Rochberg-Halton in AfO Beih. 22, KASKAL 13 (2016) 89-119.
3.51. Additional MUL.APIN Fragments in the British Museum; JCS 69 (2017) 247-260.
3.52. Assyrian Scholarship and Scribal Culture in Kalhu and Nineveh, in: E. Frahm (Hg.), A Companion to Assyria. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, 378-397.
3.53. The Library of Ashurbanipal, in: L. P. Petit and D. Morandi Bonacossi (Hgg.), Nineveh. T he Great City, Symbol of Beauty and Power. Palma 13, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden. Leiden 2017, 208-211.
3.54. Additions to Already Edited enūma anu enlil Tablets, Part V: The Lunar Eclipse Omens from Tablet 20 Published by Rochberg-Halton in AfO Beih. 22, KASKAL 14 (2017) 55-74.
3.55. The Nuzi Apprenticeship Contracts, in: P. Attinger, A. Cavingeaux, C. Mittermayer und M. Novák (Hgg.), Text and Image. Proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Geneva and Bern, 22-26 June 2015, OBO Ser. Arch. 40, 2018, 153-161.
3.56. Of tirku, Moles and Other Spots on the Skin According to Physiognomic Omens, in: S. V. Panayotov und L. Vacín (Hgg.), Mesopotamian Medicine and Magic. Studies in Honor of Markham J. Geller, 2018, 203-231.
3.57. (zusammen mit Wayne Horowitz) New Information about the ziqpu-Stars, the Sun, and Cubits Based on one New Tablet (BM 37373) and Some Previously Known Texts, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 77 (2018) 249-261.
3.58. Additions to Already Edited enūma anu enlil Tablets, Part VI: The Lunar Eclipse Omens from Tablets 21-22 Published by Rochberg-Halton in AfO Beih. 22, KASKAL 16 (2019) 95-132.
3.59. The Series iqqur īpuš. Reworking a Composition to Modern Standards, in: W. Sommerfeld (Hg.), Dealing with Antiquity: Past, Present & Future - RAI Marburg, AOAT 460, 2020 225-232.
3.60. More Evidence for the Relationship Between Heaven and Earth in Divination from Tablet 16 of the Series multābiltu, OrNS 89 (2020) 171-195.
3.61. (zusammen mit Eshbal Ratzon und Wayne Horowitz) BM 76829: A Small Astronomical Fragment with Important Implications for the Late Babylonian Astronomy and the Astronomical Book of Enoch; Archive for History of Exact Sciences; online Publikation am 21. Dezember 2020.
3.62. In Search of Ur in iqqur īpuš, in: G. Frame, J. Jeffers and H. Pittman (Hgg.), Ur in the Twenty-First Century CE. Proceedings of the 62nd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Philadelphia, July 11-15, 2016, University Park, PA, 2021, 233-244.
3.63. BM 39279, Another "Astral Magic" Text, also Called the "Exorcist's Almanac" (BRM IV 19 and 20, STT 300, LBAT 1626, SpTU V 243 and CBS 562), Akkadica 142 (2021) 79-92.
3.64. The Best Day for Laying the Foundation Stone: Two Compilations Based on iqqur īpuš, on the "Lucky Days" from the Babylonian Almanac and on a Commentary as a Guideline for Selecting the Right Time, AfO 54 (2021) 293-320.
3.65. The Appearance of Birds (šumma işşūru šikin-šu) (BM 66611), KASKAL 18 (2022) 283-296.
3.66. The 'Man in the Moon' Revisited: the bašmu in the Sun, the Lion in the Moon and the lumāšu, KASKAL 20 (2023) 183-214.

(im Druck)

3.67. The Kingdom of Arrapha and its Immediate Neighbours. Interrelations During Peace and War, in: Jan Gerrit Dercksen, Proceedings of the Symposium New Approaches to Migration in the Ancient Near East, held in Leiden on 24-25 May 2013.
3.68. The Two Rivers Euphrates and Tigris in the Sky.
3.69. "Conceived While Mercury Stood in its DUR": Two Diagrams of Planetary Positions on a Late Babylonian Astrological Tablet with Nativity Omens (TCL VI 13). Proceedings of the workshop Imagining the Sky. The Zodiac and Related Astral Imagery in the Ancient World, Berlin, 21-23 September 2022.
3.70. Two Babylonian Categories of Stars: The MUL/MÚL.AN.TA.GUB.GA and MÚL.AN.TA.ŠUR.RA or MUL.AN.TA.ŠÚ/ŠU-UR-RA.
3.71. More Solar Omens: EAE 25 (26) and 26 (27) Revisited.
3.72 (zusammen mit Marvin F. Schreiber) The term lumāšu in the Late Babylonian Texts.

(in Vorbereitung)
3.73 What is a MUL (MÚL MUL4, Akkadian kakkabu) in Cuneiform Astronomy and Astrology ?


4.1. [gemeinsam mit G. Wilhelm] Notes on the Mittani Letter: MitN no. 7-2: Mit. I 11 und 14, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (SCCNH) 7 (1995) 137-138.
4.2. Nuzi Note 23: Problematische SMN-Nummern der Texte EN 9/1-3, SCCNH 8 (1996) 352-354.
4.3. Nuzi Note 26: hušuhhe "(Zier-)Gürtel", SCCNH 8 (1996) 356-357.
4.4. Nuzi Note 27: pizipšumma epēšu, SCCNH 8 (1996) 357-361.
4.5. Nuzi Note 31: SMN 2799 and one Unnumbered Fragment Joined to EN 9/2, 455, SCCNH 8 (1996) 365-366.
4.6. [gemeinsam mit G. Wilhelm] Lexical Index, SCCNH 8 (1996) 471-474.
4.7. SpTU III Nr. 85 joint zu SpTU II Nr. 22, N.A.B.U. 1998/1, 29-31 Nr. 26.
4.8. Nuzi Note 37: NTF P 230 (1) Joined to EN 9/1, 30, SCCNH 9 (1998) 190-191.
4.9. Nuzi Note 38: 'Clay Bulla' no. 161 and SMN 2463 Joined to EN 9/1, 106, SCCNH 9 (1998) 191-193.
4.10. Nuzi Note 39: NTF P 2 (1) and 'Clay Bulla' no. 748 Joined to EN 9/2, 157, SCCNH 9 (1998) 193-194.
4.11. Nuzi Note 40: Unnumbered Fragment Joined to EN 9/2, 163, SCCNH 9 (1998) 194-196.
4.12. Nuzi Note 41: SMN 3718 Joined to EN 9/1, 170, SCCNH 9 (1998) 196-197.
4.13. Nuzi Note 42: SMN 2975 Joined to EN 9/2, 175, SCCNH 9 (1998) 197-198.
4.14. Nuzi Note 43: NTF P 233 (1) and NTF P 173 (1) Joined to EN 9/1, 500, SCCNH 9 (1998) 199-200.
4.15. Nuzi Note 44: 'Clay Bulla' no. 125 Joined to HSS 13, 273, SCCNH 9 (1998) 200-201.
4.16. Nuzi Note 45: Unnumbered Fragment Joined to HSS 15, 140, SCCNH 9 (1998) 201-202.
4.17. Nuzi Note 46: 'Clay Bulla' no. 13 Joined to EN 9/3, 328, SCCNH 9 (1998) 202-203.
4.18. Nuzi Note 47: HSS 19, 26 + HSS 19, 34 + EN 9/1, 241 + 'Clay Bullae' nos. 623 + 624 + 561, SCCNH 9 (1998) 203-204.
4.19. Nuzi Note 48: ERL 6 Joined to HSS 9, 158 (= IM 50841), SCCNH 9, 205.
4.20. [gemeinsam mit G. Wilhelm] Lexical Index, SCCNH 9, 387-396.
4.21. Nuzi Note 54: A New Writing of the Arrapha Place Name URU.Turzanzi / Durzanzi, SCCNH 10 (1999) 425.
4.22. Nuzi Note 55: EN 10/1, 38 Joined to HSS 13, 300, SCCNH 10 (1999) 425-426.
4.23. Nuzi Note 56: One Fragment from NTF P 181 Joined to HSS 15, 26, SCCNH 10 (1999) 426-428.
4.24. Nuzi Note 57: HSS 19, 108 Joined EN 9/1, 139, SCCNH 10 (1999) 428-429.
4.25. Nuzi Note 58: Two Fragments from NTF P 2 and 'Clay Bullae' nos. 770 and 772 Joined to EN 9/2, 16, SCCNH 10 (1999) 429-430.
4.26. Nuzi Note 59: SMN 2797 Joined to HSS 19, 30, SCCNH 10 (1999) 430-432.
4.27. Nuzi Note 60: 'Clay Bulla' no. 573 Joined to EN 9/2, 362, SCCNH 10 (1999) 432.
4.28. SpTU I 88 : Ein "report" mit Auszügen aus der Omenserie šumma izbu, N.A.B.U. 2000.2, 26-27 Nr. 27.
4.29. Eine neue Schreibung für MULdilbat, Venus, N.A.B.U. 2008.1, 21-22 Nr. 13.
4.30. KBo 36, 70: Duplikat zum Text mit Sonnenomina KUB 4, 63 und KUB 30, 9+, N.A.B.U. 2009.3, 52-53 Nr. 40.
4.31. KUB 4, 16: utukku lemnūtu Tafel 6 aus Hattuša, N.A.B.U. 2009.3, 53-55 Nr. 41.
4.32. KBo 36, 36: Duplikat zum Text mit Erdbebenomina KUB 37, 163, N.A.B.U. 2010.1, 9-11 Nr. 11.
4.33. KUB 4, 50: Ein medizinischer Text über Augenkrankheiten aus Hattuša, N.A.B.U. 2010.1, 11-12 Nr. 12.
4.34. ana KI GIG GAM in den diagnostischen Omina, N.A.B.U. 2010.2, 47-48 Nr. 40.
4.35. KUB 37, 201: Ein weiteres ŠÀ.ZI.GA-Fragment aus Hattuša, N.A.B.U. 2010.2, 48-49 Nr. 41.
4.36. KBo 9, 56: Ein Eingeweideschautext aus Hattuša, N.A.B.U. 2011.1, 24-25 Nr. 20.
4.37. KAL 1 Nr. 59: Ein mittelassyrisches Fragment der Serie iqqur īpuš, N.A.B.U. 2011.3, 70-72 Nr. 63.
4.38. KAL 1 Nr. 64: Ein Eingeweideschau-Omentext aus Assur, N.A.B.U. 2011.3, 72-73 Nr. 64.
4.39. mūt ilī-šu mâtu, "to die a death (decreed by) his god", N.A.B.U. 2013.4, 124-125 Nr. 75.
4.40. Another fragment of the 'Love Lyrics' from Babylon (BM 47032), N.A.B.U. 2013.4, 125-127 Nr. 76.
4.41. Another fragment of MUL.APIN from Babylonia (BM 43871), N.A.B.U. 2014.1, 55 Nr. 34.
4.42. Illustration pour NABU 2014/34, N.A.B.U. 2014.2, 84 Nr. 52.
4.43. SIG7.ALAN = nabnītu Tablet B Source B (K. 4165+) Joined to K. 14889, N.A.B.U. 2015.4, 171-172 Nr. 104.
4.44. ākilu, a pest, lit. "eater, devourer", in omen apodoses and other texts; N.A.B.U. 2016.4, 167-168 Nr. 102.
4.45. (zusammen mit Wayne Horowitz) Another Neo-Assyrian ziqpu-Star List from Nineveh (81-2-4, 413), N.A.B.U. 2017.4, 183-185 Nr. 104.
4.46. BM 40633: a ritual and incantation against witchcraft addressed to Šamaš, N.A.B.U. 2018.1, 45-49 Nr. 28.
4.47. BM 45792 (1881-07-06, 209), Maqlû VII 79a-93 and 143-161, N.A.B.U. 2019.1, 53-54 Nr. 32.
4.48. Additions to NABU 2019/32: the copies of BM 45792 (1881-07-06, 209), Maqlû VII 79a-93 and 143-161, N.A.B.U. 2019.2, 82 Nr. 49.
4.49. BM 48049; some physiognomic omens from the tablet DIŠ ŠE (šumma kittabru) ll. 46-58, N.A.B.U. 2019.2, 82-84 Nr. 50.
4.50. BM 33406 (Rm. 3, 83), a duplicate of text Funck 3 (Köcher, AfO 18, 72, 76 text B), šumma ālu tablet 85, N.A.B.U. 2020.2, 162-163 Nr. 76.
4.51. BM 35654; yet another MUL.APIN I fragment from Babylonia, N.A.B.U. 2020.3, 198-199 Nr. 94.
4.52. BM 37675+37868 (+) BM 37859, the "First Section" of the Composition "The Cat is Taboo to Anšar" Known from CBS 16 and LKU 45, N.A.B.U. 2020.3, 202-203 Nr. 97.
4.53. BM 35872 (Sp. III 404), šumma izbu tablet 1 omens 85-94, N.A.B.U. 2020.4, 251-253 Nr. 121.
4.54. BM 39617* (1880-11-12, 1504), duplicate of Scheil, RB 6 (1897) 29-30 no. II = RT 19 (1897) 61 no. 3, N.A.B.U. 2021.1, 21-24 Nr. 21.
4.55. Astral Medicine: BM 42637 (1881-7-1, 298), Another Calendar Text with the Wood-Plant-Stone-Scheme from Sippar, N.A.B.U. 2021.2, 118-121 Nr. 49.
4.56. BM 45917, Physiognomic Omens from the Tablet DIŠ ŠE (šumma kittabru) ll. 13-18, N.A.B.U. 2021.2, 121-123 Nr. 50.
4.57. BM 36320 + BM 37695: ludlul bēl nemeqi tablet 1. N.A.B.U. 2021.3, 208-212 Nr. 89.
4.58. SUKUD.GIM, "as above", an intertextual reference in the Great Star List used as an editorial note in the colophon of the diagnostic omen series SA.GIG, N.A.B.U. 2022.1, 53-56 Nr. 26.
4.59. BM 37273 (1880-06-17, 1029) - šumma ālu 22, the first snake tablet. N.A.B.U. 2022.3, 225-228 Nr. 109.
4.60. šumma ālu tablet 1: BM 35935 joins BM 35582+. N.A.B.U. 2022.3, 228-230 Nr. 110.
4.61. Another join to a commentary to enūma anu enlil (EAE) 14. N.A.B.U. 2022.3, 230-233 Nr. 111.
4.62. The Ancient Name of The Great Star List. N.A.B.U. 2023.1, 29-30 Nr. 16.
4.63. BM 40750, šumma tirānu IV 31-43. N.A.B.U. 2023.1, 30-33 Nr. 17.
4.64. BM 49087, another tablet with physiognomic omens. N.A.B.U. 2023.3, 138-139 Nr. 71.
4.65. (zusammen mit Mathieu Ossendrijver and Marvin Schreiber) GIŠ.GIŠ.HI, a Ghost Word for GIŠ.AM instead of GIŠ.ÀM. N.A.B.U. 2024.1, 49-50 Nr. 30.

(im Druck)


5.1. Welt des Orients (WdO) 22 (1991) 199-202: Rezension von: David I. Owen - Martha A. Morrison (Hg.): Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians; Vol. II. General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 9/1, Winona Lake, Indiana; Eisenbrauns 1987.
5.2. WdO 23 (1992) 165-167: Rezension von: Ernest R. Lacheman - Maynard P. Maidman, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians Vol. III: Miscellaneous Texts. Winona Lake, Indiana; Eisenbrauns 1989.
5.3. WdO 26 (1995) 198-201: Rezension von: David I. Owen - Martha A. Morrison (Hg.): Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians; Vol. IV. The Eastern Archives of Nuzi and Excavations at Nuzi 9/2. Winona Lake, Indiana; Eisenbrauns 1993.
5.4. BiOr 73 (2016) 448-450: Rezension von: Hunger, H. (ed.) including materials by A. J. Sachs - Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia. Vol. VII: Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs. (Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 466). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 2014.

Online - Publikationen

6.1. Datenbank Nineveh: Babylonian Texts (seit November 2003).
6.2. Datenbank List of Nineveh Joins (seit Februar 2006).

letzte Änderung am 24.07.2024